


Catch up on our latest news, event information, videos, testimonials, and much more here on our blog.

The Long-Term Joy

October 29th, 2024|

By the time you read this, Youth-Reach will have eclipsed the 40-year mark. The fact that we have been in 24-hour-a-day uninterrupted operation for over 40 YEARS is a tremendous testimony of the provision and power of God.

Wrapping up 2024

October 29th, 2024|

Every single year of our 40-year history has been a challenge, but 2024 will rank as one of the most challenging. Yet in this struggle, we have seen the hand of the Father meet us with peace and provision.

All You Need to Know

August 19th, 2024|

Unless you live under a rock you’ve heard the old phrase, “When it rains, it pours”. It did not become one of the best-known and oft-repeated axioms without some serious relevance. Well, here at Youth-Reach Houston, it is pouring.


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