Volunteer Opportunities

Due to the nature of our work with juveniles, the restrictions and limitations imposed by our state license (Youth-Reach is fully licensed by The State of Texas Department of Health and Human Services to operate a Group Residential Operation), and the guidelines put in place by our board, we must abide by a strict set of standards. By following these guidelines, we can assure that Youth-Reach is a very safe and healthy environment both for our residents and for guests who come onto our campus.

Those visiting our campus are not allowed to have unsupervised access to our residents without meeting the same requirements, background checks, and training that are mandated for our full-time and part-time staff members. Below you will see opportunities for supervised volunteers and unsupervised volunteers.

Supervised Volunteers

Bring a meal, help with a service project or just come and hang out with the boys.

Unsupervised Volunteers

Serve as relief staff when our full-time staff are sick or on vacation.

Take a look at all of our volunteer opportunities

There’s more than one way to make a difference in the lives of the young men at Youth-Reach.

Share Your Time

Share Your Talents

Make New Friends


Supervised Volunteers must always remain in the presence of a staff member of Youth-Reach Houston while they are on our campus, but this does not mean that they are not welcome and are not deeply appreciated. Here are a few ways that these volunteers can play a vital role in the life of Youth-Reach.

Make a Difference

Get Involved


Unsupervised Volunteers are deeply appreciated and are the lifesavers of Youth-Reach. They serve as relief staff when our full-time staff are sick or on vacation. These are, by necessity, always men and they have been vetted by our Executive Director and our campus Director. They have submitted to and have passed all the required background checks (local, state, FBI, Interpol, and fingerprinting), have undergone and passed the training (EBI, CPR and first aid), and have shadowed a veteran staff member for several shifts before having unsupervised access to our boys.

We are very careful about who comes into contact with the boys in our care. We have never had an incident where a boy has been injured or abused by a staff member, and we are intent that this will never take place at Youth-Reach Houston. Therefore, we will err on the side of caution and seek to always assure that the men who serve the boys in our care are men of the highest ethical, moral and spiritual standards.


For more information, call our offices at 281-459-4555 or email Judah Williams by clicking the button below.

  • Provide a Meal

  • Enjoy Games

  • Service Projects

  • Join Us for Worship

  • Serve as Relief Staff

Change a Life

Volunteer Today