Youth-Reach Houston is a voluntary, Christ-centered, long-term, residential program for boys ages 12-17.

Program Goals

The purpose of our program is to produce a solid leader with high moral values and a strong work ethic. We aim to instill deep character and a positive sense of social and family responsibility. As a Christ-centered ministry, we strive to lead all of our residents to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus and to be discipled in the ways of Christ.

Our hope is to produce a man of honor who will one day be an outstanding husband, father, and community leader.

Resident Life

Living here is tough work. Each weekday starts with a one mile run before breakfast. All of the residents have chores every day – everything from washing dishes to doing laundry. Each resident rotates through the various chores so that everyone shares the work load.

Work projects are also a frequent activity that helps to maintain the homes and property here where we all live. This might look like building a fence, mowing the grass, or fixing a broken window. Typically, on Saturdays, we will have a work project, or community service project of some kind.

A Day in The Life of a Resident

Voluntary Program

If you have made some poor choices and are facing some difficult situations, we want to help you – but YOU have to want it! Youth-Reach doesn’t work for a young man who is being forced to participate in our program.

We want to work with young men who are willing to receive the help that we have to offer. While parents may think that they are helping by coaching their sons to say what they think we want to hear, or offering them a reward to come here, this actually puts young men at a disadvantage.

God radically changed my life through Youth-Reach Houston. I entered the program as a very broken, troubled boy and left as a faith-filled man on mission for the things of Jesus. Today, I am the Founder and Executive Director of Rock Foundation Cambodia, a nonprofit ministry dedicated to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the poorest of the poor in Cambodia.

Shortly after arriving at Youth-Reach, I made the best decision of my life. The staff at Youth-Reach demonstrated to me, with their words and lifestyles, what it means to live for God. I saw something in them that I wanted and I had to have it. I chose to surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I had an encounter with Jesus, and I knew vowing my life to Him was the only way to sobriety, true change and vision for my life.
When I look back at all of the things I have been through in life, I can say that there were a few “seasons” that stand out as absolutely defining. Youth-Reach would definitely be one of those seasons. A series of profound events lead me to a place where I was broken, exposed and drug addicted. For me, God’s pursuit of my heart and my time at Youth-Reach are synonymous.

We are willing and able to accept applicants from anywhere in the United States. There is no consideration of the ability or inability to pay for our services as the ministry provided is free-of-charge. We accept applicants without consideration of religion, race or ethnic background. Youth-Reach Houston is licensed and designed to serve a specific population of juvenile boys. Our license through the Texas Department of Health & Human Services places specific restrictions that dictate who we can and cannot accept.


Thank you for your interest in Youth-Reach Houston! Send us a message using the brief form below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.