By Curt Williams, Founder & Executive Director
Many years ago the residents of Youth-Reach attended school at a local public school. Time and space do not allow me to detail all the situations and conditions that necessitated a long and prayerful search for a more healthy and effective education solution for our kids. One prerogative was credit recovery, which enables a boy who is profoundly behind in school to catch up. We did not want to give them a pass or simply push them through, but have a process where they could do the required coursework in a fully supervised yet time-compressed manner. Our present system allows for this.
Our search for curriculum, a process that would be more experiential, and a method that would be more effective in educating kids who often had been deemed uneducable led us to our present on-site school. It is more than just a building—we have designed and constructed a purpose-built school building with our Dr. Charles E. Cowles Education Building. It is more than just a static curriculum, even though we cover the required coursework that can provide a recognized diploma. It is more than just a forward-thinking and innovative mindset, even though we have sought to pioneer an education designed to capture the imagination of boys with short attention spans and tons of energy. It is all of this and more. Much of the education is gained outside of the classroom, with outings that open the heart to learning, expose our boys to new thoughts, cultures, and experiences, and activate the imagination.
And, all of this is presented within a biblical worldview where the gospel is applied to every area of learning. This is only possible because people like you look closely at Youth-Reach, critically evaluate our work, and then choose to financially support our ongoing efforts to reclaim these boys. Thank you for believing in the wild idea that is Youth-Reach and partnering with the Lord as He seeks to be a Father to the fatherless.