The Youth-Reach residents visited Dinosaur Valley State Park and the Creation Evidence Museum last month. Located in Glen Rose, TX, Dinosaur Valley State Park has some of the most well-preserved fossils in the state. Along the Puluxy River, Acrocanthosaurus and Sauroposeidon proteles tracks are imprinted into the rock layer of the riverbed just below the water. As claimed by secular scientists, these tracks are purported to be 113 million years old. The river has through the years worn through rock layers to reveal near-perfect paths of these large creatures.
However, at the Creation Evidence Museum, researchers contest claims from secular scientists, dating the massive reptiles under 6,000 years old. In their lab, Dinosaur Discovery Lab paleontologists have uncovered soft tissues and collagen inside and attached to dinosaur bones. This appears to contradict secular science which states this tissue should not exist. Youth-Reach boys engaged in discussion with lab experts who propose the hypothesis that pre-flood atmospheric conditions of higher pressure and increased oxygen both allowed for larger growth of animals and longer life spans. The boys examined several fossils, a completely preserved dinosaur hatching its shell, and the new hyperbaric chamber where experiments will begin later this year to recreate a pre-flood environment.