By: Curt Williams, Founder & Executive Director

Curt Williams

The horrible winter storm that hit Houston had many adverse effects here at Youth-Reach Houston. We had broken pipes, ruined tankless water heaters, damaged sheetrock, and appliances that were clogged with sediment. What is obvious across our campus is the damage to our landscaping. We have lost most of our oleanders and palm trees, and we have been tearing out dead shrubbery and citrus trees.

What is already an ongoing challenge has now been ramped up.

The care of 26 acres, along with lawns, homes and support buildings means that we will never check off everything on the to-do list.

The staff and residents are trying to get a head start on much of this work before the scorching heat of summer makes the work that much more difficult. The good news is… We have a lot of boys.

English writer John Heywood once said that, “Many hands make light work.” This wisdom is played out at Youth-Reach every day. Organizing a group of boys to tackle a big job (or multiple projects) is the key to getting many projects completed, and it is also clear that the guys begin to notice a job well-done. It is clear that man is designed to gain some of his self-worth from the work of his hands; from his ability to produce personal benefit via his labor.

We are teaching the long-term benefits of work every day here at Youth-Reach, and we are grateful for those of you who catch the vision and choose to support our mission.