By: Curt Williams, Founder & Executive Director
Many years ago, I received an invitation to attend a leadership conference sponsored by a major Christian ministry. As I looked over the list of keynote speakers I noticed that several of these nationally renowned leaders were also well known for their adultery, multiple failed marriages, and questionable personal ethics. They were deemed successful leaders, yet they were failures when it came to leading the most important element of a man’s life, his family. I did not attend that conference because I was not interested in hearing these men talk about leadership.
Here at Youth-Reach we do not set the bar high when it comes to leadership, we set it where it needs to be.
(L to R): Kevin, who was adopted from Guatemala, but came to Youth-Reach from Euless, Texas; Logan, from Canton, Texas; and Wyatt who came to us from Los Angeles.

We focus on the key elements that make someone successful in life regardless of their financial prowess. At this time we have three young men, from very diverse backgrounds, who have stepped up to take on the responsibility of leadership as one element of the many responsibilities of manhood. All three of them have endured failures. All three of them struggled when they first arrived. All three struggled to engage a teachable heart. Yet all three of them have fully engaged in what it is to embark on the journey to authentic manhood.
These three guys listen to their mentors and all three have developed strong work ethics.
They lean on each other, laugh a lot, and have begun to glimpse the hope of a successful future by employing the ethics and skills they have learned here at Youth-Reach.
I wish every one of you could meet Wyatt, Kevin and Logan. They are exceptional young men, and their influence can be felt and seen in all of the boys who are here with them. They challenge others to step up, they speak out when things are not done well, and they lead spiritually without fear.

Above both: celebrating births