Life at Youth-Reach: Right Now

By: Curt Williams, Founder & Executive Director

When you presume upon the enemy’s plans to destroy young lives, you can expect trials and attacks.

If you are not facing trials, you have somehow become ineffective and that should bring its own set of concerns.

Several years ago, the attack that we were facing was on our financial support. It seemed that whatever we did, we could not catch up. We called our staff and supporters to prayer and the Lord provided.

The next attack came in the form of discouragement when it seemed that no matter what we did we could not hold on to the boys that came through our doors. A long string of boys came and went, many within 24 or 48 hours of their arrival. After many hours of processing, meeting the burdensome paperwork requirements placed on us by our state license, and multiple interviews, we had invested many hours in a boy only to have him give up and quit soon after coming in. It was disheartening, to say the least, but we went to prayer and called our board and supporters to pray.

Today we have more boys than we have had in the last ten years along with a growing waiting list.

But now we are facing a trial that could easily be dismissed as simply a sign of our times, as we are in critical need of quality staff. Just when the Lord has blessed us with a large number of damaged yet teachable kids, we are struggling to find mature, seasoned, godly and passionate staff members.

It is part of our weak Christian culture that we are producing many ministers, but few servants. When the commission is to make disciples, most want pulpits, buildings, numbers, and status. Here, you will find none of that; you will find long hours living in Christian community serving the needs of hurting, abandoned or addicted boys with no fanfare, spotlights or musical accompaniment.

It is the messy work of making disciples from rough and angry boys.

Will you come together with us to pray for the Lord to scour His kingdom for just the few we need? We do not need a host of people, but one or two blue-collar ministers who are not afraid of physical labor, risking heartbreak or missing out on the attention many crave. We will not entertain those who are not overcomers, or those who have life issues that will only hurt or disappoint our boys.

Thank you for praying.